Hey All You Zombies!! Now Lying In Wait For You Online

I’m excited to introduce a new weekly video series from film critic Richard Crouse and myself called Hey All You Zombies!! It’s a weekly exploration of movies, music, video games, and technology, but one that is driven by obsessions, passions, impulses, and quirks. We’re recording our episodes using Google’s new online broadcasting technology, which means each episode airs live (every Tuesday at 1pm EST) through our website before being made available permanently on YouTube.

You can watch our first episode above. In Richard and I explore the 40th anniversary of Ziggy Stardust, discuss a computer that can pick out movie quotes, and why swords made by real blacksmiths of old are far stranger than anything in a video game.

We have a number of ways for you to get involved in the show and for our first episode we’ve kicked off a game called Movie Pistols At Dawn where we ask you to help us find the best example of something from the movies. Each time we play it will be something different. This week we’re on the hunt for Fictional Drugs. After you see the episode, you can help us decide who won at our website here.


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