GamerGate Grief, Wristify, And Girls Who Code’s Tampon Run

Jump to the 1:30 mark to listen.

This week we address the disturbing GamerGate online protest exploring how it started and the toxic online threats to women that has come to characterize it in practice.

I also introduce the What She Said Trio to:

Embr Labs, a new company formed by a group of MIT students to market their clever bracelet invention. Wristify can measure and adjust your body temperature by producing pulses of hot and cold in such as way that the sensitivity of your skin responds to change the way you feel. No need to touch the thermostat anymore.


And about those programs and camps that have been forming to inspiring girls to take up computer programming, we discuss the work of two graduates from New York’s Girls Who Code. Sophie Houser, 17, and Andy Gonzales, 16  have a hit with their first project, a viral video game called Tampon Run.


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