Metro Reviews: Neil Gaiman, Borderlands 2, Wine & Cheese

Here’s my Metro Canada News reviews for the week of June 16th.

The Truth Is A Cave In The Black Mountains
By Neil Gaiman
Four Stars

This is illustrated folklore. A tale amongst the old, dark ways through human weakness and life lessons that leave you haunted. But this is performance too, with Gaiman’s recorded voice a master storyteller of pacing and tone, lifted by a string quartet playing mood and intent into an experience that will strum in your ears long after its last breath.


Who’s Your Daddy?

Aimed at guiding first-time fathers through every decision of a pregnancy, this lightly humourous and wonderfully helpful app offers daily advice, to-do lists, an educational timeline, and a contraction counter.


Cheese & Wine HD

This very handy guide to the six main types of cheese and their best wine matches comes from two experts who helpfully explain the dynamics using engaging videos and articles.



Share your music by streaming your playlists to your friends’ iOS devices using Peer-to-Peer Wi-Fi. From iPod to iPhone to iPad, there’s no internet needed and everyone is in sync.


Borderlands 2
PS Vita
Rated: Mature 17+
2 Stars

I have to use a magnifying glass just to read the menus for this mobile version of the popular, aim-and-laugh wasteland shooter. The high resolution graphics look great, but they make everything cramped, including the controls. This is a problem given that you’re always running and shooting, non-stop. With manic, manipulative robots and psychopaths spouting Shakespearian insults, fans might say it’s worth it, and admittedly upgrades eventually make things easier, but I found it merely drove me to seek out the console version instead. Squinting, even while laughing, isn’t fun.


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